What is career writing?

Career Writing is a narrative career-learning method where a facilitator or career counsellor uses creative, expressive and reflective writing exercises to assist students and clients in developing a career identity. Career identity is defined in this context as the story that gives meaning and purpose to one’s life and points to direction in which one would …

Another taste of Happy

Another piece of the book “Happy: poems and reflections for writing and healing the self” which will be out this fall… You are not who you think you are Research on writing and healing and family systems therapy reveals that secrets clog up our working memory. They can even make us sick. What is inherent …

Finland meets career writing

Our latest work endeavours took us to the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu and to Helsinki. In Joensuu, Frans and I met with a career-research team and gave workshops on career writing and why career dialogues are not as easy as they seem. We also gave two lectures.  Our colleagues said they got more …

Happy poem

Happy by Reinekke Lengelle I almost forgot I was happy today, while I was wiping the stove an old thought pulled at my sleeve it almost seemed convincing trying to protect me like the way remembered pain sticks and tries to make you right about something, While you know that ‘right’ is the block between …

Writing the self for cultural healing

A narrative that cannot be reconciled on a personal level is per definition a story that cannot contribute to reconciliation. Our book chapter “Writing the self for reconciliation and global citizenship: The inner dialogue and creative voices for cultural healing” by Reinekke Lengelle, Charity Jardine, and Charlene Bonnar was accepted by Springer this week. I …

On writing the self and vulnerability

Is writing the self speaking our vulnerability in order to become empowered? In reflecting on the book “A vulnerable teacher” (1974) by composition teacher Ken Macrorie (1918-2009), I realized I perceive and sense vulnerability to be something different than he does. After explaining that vulnerable comes from “vuln” the Latin word for “wound”, he writes that “To become …