In memory of Professor Frans Meijers
Beste lezer, Mensen kunnen om allerlei redenen in een knoop geraken. Soms is die knoop zo vast dat hij moeilijk los te krijgen is. Erover schrijven is heilzaam, het helpt. Gewoon beschrijven wat er in je omgaat. Dat kan in eenvoudige regels of in dichtvorm. En daarvoor hoef je helemaal geen schrijver of dichter te …
Frans and I presented twice in Ottawa at the Cannexus career conference in January 2018. We talked about “Imagination as an antidote to career foreclosure” and about the added value of doing “Career Writing” in groups which is our current topic of research. We met with many of our Canadian colleagues which is always enjoyable. …
Starts: March 5-April 27, 2018, in English and/or Dutch WRITING, and especially creative and expressive writing helps people to access deeper layers in themselves and tap into their own wisdom. Numerous studies have shown that writing is not only good for personal well-being and the processing of negative experiences but affects one’s physical health and …
CAREER WRITING Vrijdag, 16 maart 2018, 13.00 -17.00 uur ‘Trial’ voor geïnteresseerden tegen een geringe ‘onkostenvergoeding’ van € 50, — Taal: Nederlands Locatie: Kronenberg & collega’s, Eindstraat 21, Venray Beschrijving: Het oude idee over loopbaanbegeleiding is dat we onze talenten moeten matchen aan bestaand werk. Maar door de onzekerheid en complexiteit van de arbeidsmarkt — …
Frans and I will be going to Reykjavik at the end of October to present Career Writing. We were invited by our Icelandic colleagues after presenting at the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance in Madrid in November 2016. The topics we’ll be presenting and the workshops we’ll be giving answer questions like: How …
A narrative that cannot be reconciled on a personal level is per definition a story that cannot contribute to reconciliation. Our book chapter “Writing the self for reconciliation and global citizenship: The inner dialogue and creative voices for cultural healing” by Reinekke Lengelle, Charity Jardine, and Charlene Bonnar was accepted by Springer this week. I …
Join us at “The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge” March 18th, 2017 – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Expressive Career Writing is writing for personal development aimed at the development of a career identity to meet the challenges of the 21st century labour market. Career identity is another way of saying, ‘the story …
Frans and I have been invited to the university of Eastern Finland to speak about career writing and career learning processes and share our know-how with colleagues there. We’re delighted to be going. We met some of our Scandanavian colleagues at the International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance conference in Madrid in 2016. There …
In early 2017 a Norwegian career magazine asked for articles on career writing for their career professionals who are seeking new ways to work with students and clients. Find those articles by Reinekke here:å-endringer-i-livet andæring These are also available in English so get in touch with Reinekke if you’re interested.