
Expressive and creative writing course

Starts: March 5-April 27, 2018, in English and/or Dutch  WRITING, and especially creative and expressive writing helps people to access deeper layers in themselves and tap into their own wisdom. Numerous studies have shown that writing is not only good for personal well-being and the processing of negative experiences but affects one’s physical health and …

Career Writing workshops in spring 2018 Netherlands

CAREER WRITING Vrijdag, 16 maart 2018, 13.00 -17.00 uur ‘Trial’ voor geïnteresseerden tegen een geringe ‘onkostenvergoeding’ van € 50, — Taal: Nederlands Locatie: Kronenberg & collega’s, Eindstraat 21, Venray Beschrijving: Het oude idee over loopbaanbegeleiding is dat we onze talenten moeten matchen aan bestaand werk. Maar door de onzekerheid en complexiteit van de arbeidsmarkt — …

Writing the self for cultural healing

A narrative that cannot be reconciled on a personal level is per definition a story that cannot contribute to reconciliation. Our book chapter “Writing the self for reconciliation and global citizenship: The inner dialogue and creative voices for cultural healing” by Reinekke Lengelle, Charity Jardine, and Charlene Bonnar was accepted by Springer this week. I …