
Lengelle, R., Altorf, D. & Dobbinga, S. (2024). Onderzoeker worden van binnenuit: Levensthema’s ontdekken met een schrijfcursus. LoopbaanVisie (Augustus), 43-38.

McNichol, K., Lengelle, R. & Poell, R. (2024). Career Writing Interventions for Career Learning: An Integrative Literature Review. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. (Release late 2024)

Den Elzen. K.,  Neimeyer. R.A. & Lengelle, R. (Eds)(2024) Living with Loss: from grief to wellbeing. Routledge. (October 2024 release).

Lengelle, R., Hughes, D. & Hambly, L. (Eds) (2024). Art that Tells the Truth: Creative Methods for Guidance and Counselling. Routledge.

Den Elzen, K. & Lengelle, R. (Eds) (2023). Writing-for-Wellbeing: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 

Lengelle, R. (2024). Professor out of a Suitcase or Ferris Bueller’s year off. In: A. Grant., & E. Lloyd-Parkes (Eds.) Meaningful Journeys: Autoethnographies of Quest and Identity Transformation. (pp. 167-186). Routledge. [Release April 2024].

Lengelle, R. (2024). Foreword: Philosophy in Autoethnography: A Reflection on Quality in Qualitative Research. In A. Grant & E. Lloyd-Parkes. (Eds). Writing Philosophical Autoethnography. (pp. xi-xix) Routledge.

Mathew, L., Den Elzen. K.,  Neimeyer. R.A. & Lengelle, R. (2023) Living with Loss [Editorial], British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 51 (3), 335-337, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2023.2219109

Den Elzen, K., Neimeyer, R.A., & Lengelle, R. (Eds) (2023). Living with Loss II [Symposium Issue]. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 51 (3), 334-444.

Lengelle, R. & Den Elzen, K. (2023). Introduction to writing for wellbeing. In K. Den Elzen & R. Lengelle (Eds). Writing for wellbeing: theory, research, and practice (pp. 1-12). Routledge.

Den Elzen, K. & Lengelle, R. (2023) When your Partner Dies. A Conversation about Writing and Post-Traumatic Growth in Widowhood. In K. Den Elzen & R. Lengelle (Eds). Writing for wellbeing: theory, research, and practice (pp. 15-32). Routledge.

Lengelle, R., Sayers, J. & Chavis, G., (2023). Poetry and Connection: Encounter, Surprise, and Dialogue. In K. Den Elzen & R. Lengelle (Eds). Writing for wellbeing: theory, research, and practice (pp. 33-47). Routledge.

Lengelle, R., & Haggerty, E. (2022). Career Writing and the Tale of Two Sisters: The Family Project, Heroic Drive, and How No Sibling Has the Same Parents. In: M. Schreiber (Ed) Narrative Ansätze in Beratung und Coaching (pp. 163-174). Springer, Wiesbaden. 

Lengelle, R. (2022). An autoethnography of becoming a qualitative researcher: A dialogic view of academic development. [Book review]. LIRIC Journal, 2(2), 139-144.

Lengelle, Reinekke. (2022). Foreword. In L.E. Mathew, Life: To be given back to whence it came: A pilgrimage through prolonged grief, confronting grief illiteracy and healing loss through the art of storytelling (xix-xxvi). DioPress.

Lengelle, R., Pouw. P., Post. J.M, & Goren, S (2022).  Happy U: Zenmeditatie, loopbaanschrijven en een diversiteitsdialoog in De Haagse Hogeschool. LoopbaanVisie. (1) 61-66.

Lehmann, O. V., Neimeyer, R. A., Thimm, J., Hjeltnes, A., Lengelle, R., & Kalstad, T. G. (2022). Experiences of Norwegian Mothers Attending an Online Course of Therapeutic Writing After the Unexpected Loss of a Child. Frontiers in Psychology.

Den Elzen, K. & Lengelle, R. (2022). A tale of two widows: Investigating meaning-making and identity development through writing in the face of grief. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. (Published online)

Lengelle, R. (2021). Writing the self in bereavement: a story of love, spousal loss, and resilience.  Routledge. [THIS BOOK WON TWO AWARDS]

Lengelle, R., Den Elzen, K., & Neimeyer, R. A. (2021). Living with Loss Editorial. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 49, (6), 763-765.

Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., & Bonnar. C. (2021). Créativité poétique : la méthode d’écriture sur sa carrière pour favoriser la réflexivité professionnelle au XXIe siècle. In Arthur, Borgen (Neault) & McMahon (Eds). Théories et modèles orientés sur la carrière: des idées pour la pratique (pp. 215-228). CERIC.

Lengelle, R. (2021). Portrait of a Scientist: in conversation with Hubert Hermans, founder of the Dialogical Self Theory. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2021.1900779

Lengelle, R. (2021). Jezelf Schrijven in Rouw. PsychoSociaal Digitaal. June (1) 33-37.  

Lengelle, R. (2021). Engaged but not curious: vital reflections for those teaching therapeutic writing online.  Clio’s Psyche 27 (3), 338-343.

Lengelle, R. (2021). Writing the Self and Bereavement: dialogical means and markers of moving through grief. In H. Dix (Ed), Career Construction Theory and Life Writing: Narrative and Autobiographical Thinking Across the Professions. Routledge.

Wright, J. , Williamson, C., Bangerh, K., Etherington, K., Thompson, K., Poole, S., Wafula, E., Southwell, D., Bertrand, J., Lengelle, R., & Lee, D. (2021). Why Do We Need a New Journal About Writing for Wellbeing? [Editorial] Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community (LIRIC), 1 (1), pp. 8-16.

Lengelle, R., Hughes, D. & Hambly, L. (2020). The healing muses: research, theory and practice of creative methods in guidance and counselling. [Editorial] British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 48 (1), 1-4.

Lengelle, R. (2020). Writing the Self and Bereavement: dialogical means and markers of moving through grief. Life Writing Journal 17 (1), 103-122.

Lengelle, R. & Meijers, F. (2019). Poetic reflexivity and the birth of career writing: An autoethnographic love story. In K. Maree & C. Wilby (Eds), Innovating career counselling theory, research, and practice. (pp. 539-555). New York, NY: Springer.

Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., & Bonnar, C. (2018). Poetic creativity: the Career Writing method for professional reflexivity in the 21stcentury. In. N. Arthur, R. Neault & M.McMahon (Eds), Career Theory and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice. (pp. 183-193). Toronto: Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC).

Lengelle, R. (2018). Jezelf Schrijven. Oud-Turnhout/’s-Hertogenbosch: Gompel & Svacina.

Lengelle, R. (2018). Happy: poems and reflections for writing and healing the self [Syllabus]. Edmonton: Black Tulip Press.

Lengelle, R., Hambly, L., & Hughes, D. (2018). Connecting to the Muses [Editorial]. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 46 (3), 269-271.

Lengelle, R. & Meijers, F. (2018). De effecten van groepswerk door “Career Writing”. Loopbaan Visie (3) 85-90.

Lengelle, R. (2018). Writing the self in global citizenship education. In. F. Jacobs & E. Sjoer (Eds), Inspired to Change: a kaleidoscope of transitions in higher education. (pp. 29-37). The Hague: The Hague University Press.

Muijen, H., Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., & Wardekker, W. (2018). The role of imagination in emergent career agency. Australian Journal of Career Development 27 (2), 88-98.

McClocklin, P., & Lengelle, R. (2018). Cures for the heart: A poetic approach to healing after loss. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 46 (3), 326-339.

Lengelle, R., Jardine, C., & Bonnar, C. (2018). Writing the self for reconciliation and global citizenship: The inner dialogue and creative voices for cultural healing. In F. Meijers, & H.J.M. Hermans (Eds), The Dialogical Self in Education: A multicultural perspective. (pp. 81-96). New York, NY: Springer.

Lengelle, R. (2017). Creatief schrijven: een eigen stem via meerstemmigheid. ZKM Magazine, 2, 57-60.

Lengelle, R., Van der Heijden, B., & Meijers, F. (2017). The foundations of career resilience. In K. Maree (Ed.), Psychology of Career Adaptability, Employability and Resilience (p. 29-47). New York, NY: Springer Nature.

Lengelle, R. (2017) Career writing: a narrative method in response to changing times (in Norwegian)å-endringer-i-livet

Lengelle, R. (2017) Career writing: creative, expressive, and reflective writing for career learning (in Norwegian)æring

Lengelle, R. & Ashby, S. (2017). Schrijven als zelfontwikkeling: Het trainen van docenten in een narratieve loopbaanmethode voor groepen. In F. Meijers & K. Mittendorff (Eds), Zelfreflectie in het Hoger Onderwijs. (pp. 87-107). Antwerpen & Amsterdam: Garant.

Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., & Hughes, D. (2017). Creatief schrijven voor een levensplan: Reflectiviteit, metafoor en veranderingsprocessen door middel van een verhaal. In F. Meijers & K. Mittendorff (Eds), Zelfreflectie in het Hoger Onderwijs. (pp. 167-183). Antwerpen & Amsterdam: Garant.

Lengelle, R., Luken, T., & Meijers, F. (2017). Is zelfreflectie gevaarlijk? Het voorkomen van rumineren bij loopbaanleren. In F. Meijers & K. Mittendorff (Eds), Zelfreflectie in het Hoger Onderwijs. (pp. 185-201). Antwerpen & Amsterdam: Garant.

Meijers, F., Lengelle, R., Winters, A. & Kuijpers, M. (2017). A dialogue worth having: vocational competence, career identity and a learning environment for 21th century success at work. In E. de Bruijn, S. Billett & J. Onstenk (Eds.), Enhancing teaching and learning in the Dutch vocational education system: Reforms enacted (p.139-155). New York/Berlin: Springer.

Lengelle, R., & Ashby, S. (2016). Writing as soul work: training teachers in a group-based career-narrative approach. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 45(4), 402-416.

Lengelle, R., Luken, T., & Meijers, F. (2016). Is self reflection dangerous? Preventing rumination in career learning. Australian Journal of Career Development, 25 (3) 99-109.

Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., & Hughes, D. (2016). Creative writing for life design: Reflexivity, metaphor and change processes through narrative. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 97, 60-67.

Lengelle, R. (2016). What a career coach can learn from a playwright: Expressive dialogues for identity development.  In. H. J. M. Hermans (Ed.), Stimulating a Dialogical Self: Groups, Teams, Cultures, and Organizations. (pp.37-53). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Lengelle, R. (2016). Narrative self-rescue: A poetic response to a precarious labour crisis. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 28 (1), 46-49.

Lengelle, R. & Meijers, F. (2016). Playwright meets career coach: Writing dialogues to promote awareness and self-direction. In K. Maree & A. Di Fabio (Eds.), Exploring new horizons in career counselling: Turning challenges into opportunities. (pp. 315-327). Boston, MA: Sense Publishers.

Meijers, F. & Lengelle, R. (2016) Reflective career dialogues. South African Journal of Higher Education, 30 (3), 21-23, (Retrieved january 6th 2017 from:

Meijers, F., Lengelle, R., & Kopnina, H. (2016). Environmental Identity and Natural Resources: A Dialogical Learning Process. Resources, 5 (1), 11, 1-16. (Retrieved january 6th 2017 from:

Meijers, F., & Lengelle, R. (2016). Identiteitsleren via dialogen en loopbaanschrijven: het oversteken van binnen- en buitengrenzen. In A. Bakker, I. Zitter, S. Beausaert, & E. De Bruijn (Eds.), Tussen opleiding en beroepspraktijk: Het potentieel van boundary crossing. (pp. 39-54) Amsterdam: Van Gorcum.

Lengelle, R. (2015). Power of the pen: The basics on writing and healing. In Uitgepraat!? (pp. 167-174). Den Haag: De Haagse Hogeschool.

Lengelle, R. & Meijers, F. (2015). Career writing: A creative, expressive and reflective approach to qualitative assessment and guidance. In M. McMahon & M. Watson (Eds.), Career assessment: Qualitative approaches (pp. 145-153). Boston, MA: Sense Publishers.

Lengelle, R., & Meijers, F. (2015). Career writing: Creative, expressive, and reflective approaches to narrative career learning and guidance. The Canadian Journal of Career Development, 14, 19-31.

Kuijpers, M. & Lengelle, R. (Eds.) (2015). Een loopbaan van betekenis. Antwerpen/Belgium and Apeldoorn/The Netherlands: Garant.

Meijers, F. & Lengelle, R. (2015). Career learning: Qualitative career assessment as a learning process in the construction of a narrative identity. In M. McMahon & M. Watson (Eds.), Career assessment: Qualitative approaches(pp. 41-49). Boston, MA: Sense Publishers.

Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., Poell, R., Geijsel, F., & Post, M. (2016). Career writing as a dialogue about work experience: A recipe for luck readiness? International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 16 (1), 29-43.

Lengelle, R. (2014). Career writing: Creatief, expressief, en reflectief schrijven voor je loopbaan. In F. Meijers, M. Kuijpers, K. Mittendorf, & G. Wijers (Eds.), Het onzekere voor het zekere (pp. 161-184). Antwerpen/Amsterdam: Garant.

Lengelle, R. (2014). Career writing: Creative, expressive, and reflective approaches to narrative and dialogical career guidance (Published doctoral dissertation). Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University.

Lengelle, R., & Meijers, F. (2014). Narrative identity: Writing the self in career learning. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 42, 52-72.

Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., Poell, R., & Post, M. (2014). Career writing: Creative, expressive, and reflective approaches to narrative identity formation in students in higher education. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85, 75-84.

Lengelle, R. (2013). A collaborative and writing pedagogy: An antidote to demagogy. International Journal for the Dialogical Self, 7, 109-114. (Retrieved january 6th 2017 from:

Lengelle, R., Meijers, F., Poell, R., & Post, M. (2013). The effects of creative, expressive, and reflective writing in career learning. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83, 419-427.

Lengelle, R. (2013). Writing and healing: Research, a model, and practice. Transition Magazine, Canadian Mental Health Association. Summer 2003, p. 3-6.

Lengelle, R. (2012). Wie schrijf die blijft. In F. Meijers (Ed.), Wiens verhaal telt? Naar een narratieve en dialogische loopbaanbegeleiding (pp. 251-272). Antwerpen/Amsterdam: Garant.

Meijers, F. & Lengelle, R. (2012). Narratives at work: The development of a career identity. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 40, 157-177.

Winters, A., Meijers, F., Lengelle, R., & Baert, H. (2012). The self in career learning: An evolving dialogue. In Hermans, H. & Gieser, T. (Eds.), Handbook of dialogical self theory (pp. 454-460). UK: Cambridge University Press.

Lengelle, R., & Meijers, F. (2009). Mystery to mastery: An exploration of what happens in the black box of writing and healing. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 22, 59-77.

Creative works

Poetry books 

Lengelle, R. (2018). Jezelf Schrijven. Oud-Turnhout/’s-Hertogenbosch: Gompel & Svacina.

Lengelle, R. (2018). Happy: poems and reflections for writing and healing the self [Syllabus]. Edmonton: Black Tulip Press.

Lengelle, R. (2012). White. Edmonton: Black Tulip Press.

Lengelle, R. (2008). Blossom & Balsam: poems that reveal and heal. Edmonton: Black Tulip Press.

Lengelle, R. (2005). Blooming Woman. Edmonton, Black Tulip Press.

Serviss, S. & Lengelle, R and others. (2001). Read two poems and call me in the Morning Edmonton, The Friends of University Hospital, 2001

Gerding [a.k.a Lengelle] (1998). Doorways. Edmonton, Black Tulip Press (Illustrated by K. Lengle)

Gerding [a.k.a Lengelle] (1997). On the path. Edmonton, Black Tulip Press (Illustrated by K. Lengle)

Gerding [a.k.a Lengelle] (1996). Still Mind, Beating Heart. Edmonton, Black Tulip Press (Illustrated by K. Lengle)


Untamed therapy (unpublished) Runner up in the 24-Hour Play-writing competition in Calgary, 2002

Stranded Somewhere Edmonton: Quon Editions, Performed at Edmonton Fringe festival, 1997

Sugar & Lust
 Edmonton: Quon Editions, Performed at Edmonton Fringe festival, 1996

For children

The Magic Shoes: a fairytale, 2001

Moonbeams & Alligator Skin, (poetry), 1996

Self-help book

Bath Oil for Heartbreak, 1996 & 2006

Career Cards

Career Cards: a tool for surviving and thriving in the 21st century with artwork by Derek Sellen, 2015. Black Tulip Press – sixth printing in September 2022.