In early 2017 a Norwegian career magazine asked for articles on career writing for their career professionals who are seeking new ways to work with students and clients. Find those articles by Reinekke here:å-endringer-i-livet andæring These are also available in English so get in touch with Reinekke if you’re interested.
Reinekke will be giving a workshop in Canterbury to career professionals and writing enthusiasts. Who wants to come to write their own career tale? Details on this page.
No upgrades please I got a new stove one that looks run of the mill for 1970 the kids can bang their pots and pans on it try their cookies, crumble, and macaroni spills are nothing but a bit of a burned smell No glass top to polish or warn someone about no special chemicals …
The Little Blue-Green Fete Past the water reeds the shimmer of the pond the place where we had rowed across and drifted hand in hand and on the other side found rows of pussy willows Cattails at first obscured our view You sliced one clean and then another we feigned sword fights late afternoon and …
Wet leather shoes you have to walk for a while after passing a sunset without looking up after a year of unseen rainbows and no sunrises at all. you have to walk for a while with your impossible grief so that mercy can speak to you and give you something that still has to be …